
Aware of our responsibilities, we are mindful of having a structured and proactive approach in the quality management and the sustainable development, and we consider the safety of the people and property among our objectives.
+ Quality and certification
+ Sustainable development
+ Safety


Our idea of quality focusses on customer satisfaction and the personalised experience you benefit from throughout your customer experience.
This commitment embodies every perception you have of us: the quality and reliability of our products, our processes, our exchanges.
The DOGA quality management system
DOGA’s responsibility policy is supported by robust and continually improved quality management.
This commitment is founded on the best professional practises according to the ISO 9001 standard. Compliant with these requirements since 1996, the DOGA quality management system certification was renewed in 2023, compliant with the new 2015 reference.
All levels of the business are infused with the absolute need to enhance our reliability and, as a result, your customer satisfaction.
DOGA ISO 9001 Certification


Certificat ISO 9001
Issued by: AFAQ
Reference: 2015
Valid: from 07/2023 through 07/2026
Scope: Maurepas head office (78) and Chassieu agency (69) - FRANCE
Field: Marketing, trade, installation, integration and maintenance of industrial products and equipment. Design, development and manufacture of industrial products.
You satisfaction is our priority
We carry out surveys on your customer journey and experience. We convert them into actions to bring the required improvements.
We communicate this knowledge to all our teams so that they can be involved in improving your satisfaction at every point of contact.
For 2023, we are proud to share with you very positive results with an overall satisfaction rating of 8.2/10.


Expertise at your service

Trust is not a given, it has to be built. That is why we put qualified teams permanently trained to adapt to your needs at your service. Every DOGA employee is an expert in their field and will be involved by your side in a close relationship.


DOGA product premium quality

DOGA supplies non-negotiable optimum quality products thanks to checks throughout the life cycle, from design, through production, delivery and sales with their associated services. They meet your requirements and cover a wide range of specific needs.



We believe that economic growth goes hand in hand with an ecological and social approach. That is why we have adopted responsible management and imagine solutions to help you limit the impact of your activity on the environment.
CSR policy

For centuries, human beings have had to adapt to their environment.
In each period, the issues and challenges are different but we must always be aware and act to meet them.
Although the mission that daily drives us is to sustain our business, we are convinced that we have a “social” and “environmental” responsibility, at the scale of our company.
These notions are not new because the institutions push us towards better practices. But most important is our awareness.
DOGA has decided to take its responsibilities by implementing a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach through 4 policies: “social”, “environmental”, “responsible purchasing” and “ethical”.
The first action was to engage with the United Nations by joining the Global Compact (also known as the United Nations Global Compact) at the end of 2020.
This commitment was confirmed during 2021 by the drafting of our CSR Policy.
We wanted to align our CSR policy with the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact but also with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To find out about DOGA’s actions, progress and objectives, we invite you to download our latest CSR report (french version).

DOGA 2023 CSR report



Our contribution to reducing waste and energy consumption
DOGA is committed to supplying you products that were produced in conditions that are as environmentally friendly as possible and strives to comply with the strictest social and ethical standards.

In the context of our project to make our mechanical production more responsible, DOGA takes material action.


Travaux de rénovationWe have invested heavily in the refurbishment of our Maurepas site in the Paris area. The works was completed in the course of 2020.
The production zone was equipped with cutting edge machinery, the offices were modernized and the building get a new insulating thermal shell to fight against energy losses.




Réduction des déchets

DOGA processes 62 tonnes of metal every year on the Maurepas site in the Paris area. The production process generates masses of steel and aluminium swarf when the parts are manufactured. Thanks to the investments made, the quantity of metal waste has dropped.





Waste collection and recycling
DOGA has chosen the ECOSYSTEM programme for the collection and recycling of WEEE (Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment).
“ECOSYSTEM” is an eco-organisation that has a public interest mission. It is approved by the French public authorities under the terms defined by article R543-197.
In compliance with the provisions of the French Environment Code covering professional waste (art. R543-195 and following), this service allows you to benefit from an effective, responsible and free management of your old equipment purchased from DOGA.
Logo ECOSYSTEM All you need to know about the collection and recycling of your WEEE with ECOSYSTEM on




Industrial machinery and processes generate risks and can be at the origin of incidents that have serious consequences on property, people or the environment.

DOGA tools are designed and selected to help you sustainably install safety for your operators, installations and processes.


Tools in line with your requirements

Marquage CE

The equipment sold by DOGA is covered by European certifications (CE). It is specially designed and tested to make sure it meets your requirements in terms of risk.