Assembly technology

DPMPilot process traceability and supervisory smart controller

DPMPilot process traceability and supervisory smart controller

Designed and manufactured by DOGA, DPMPilot supports you in the deployment of Industry 4.0 in your manufacturing processes. As a true conductor of your assembly station,  DPMPilot manages the tools and accessories, guides the operator, and ensures traceability of results.


Security: integrated and autonomous system DPM®Pilot controls workstation equipment autonomously through local connections. • No risk of production downtime due to network or server issues • Process management information are integrated and always available Versatility: compatibility with tightening tools available on the market DPM®Pilot has been designed to communicate with a variety of brands. • DOGA, STANLEY©,  Tohnichi, Open protocol tools, etc. Ergonomics: easy and intuitive use Thanks to DPM®Pilot’s user-friendly interface, configuring your assembly sequences does not require a computer or automation skills. DPM®Pilot takes care of the entire process, guides operators, decreases their training time and increases their versatility. Traceability: protected data DPM®Pilot saves results locally or remotely. • Recording of all process datas • Creation of production reports

Product description

Workstation-oriented design meets requirements of your industrial assembly processes.



Prévention des erreurs     Guidage opérateur     Multi-protocoles     Traçabilité


• Compliance with
predefined operating
• Using the right tool
at the right time
with right settings
• Improved efficiency
• Reduction of training
• Maximizing
• Compatible with
various tightening
• Communication
with equipment of
the production line
• Recording of all
process data
• Creation of
production reports



 • Operating system: embedded Linux (Linux Kernel 5.2)

•  x 4 inputs and x 4 integrated 24 V digital outputs

•   x 2 separate networks:
     - x 1 WAN network port for external network connection
     - x 4 LAN network ports for connecting tools and accessories

•   Suitable with high-definition or standard touch screens with HDMI connection

•   Storage capacity available for the application: 128 GB
(for sequences between 3.5 and 5 MB and 150 KB results files)
     - Storage example 1: 50 sequences and 850,000 results
     - Storage example 2: 1,000 sequences and 820,000 results

•   x 2 USB ports (expandable with external USB switch) for printer, barcode scanner, badge reader, etc.

•   Up to 20 connected tightening tools

•   x 8-inputs, x 8-outputs extension with the add-on DPM I/O Module (up to 2 add-on module)

•    Up to 2 connected analog position control DigiLink modules



DPMPilot Standard
Code (EU): P200011
Code (US): P200021
Code (UK): P200031
•   DPM®Pilot Interface
•   Support foot
•   4-port USB hub
•   Power cable
•   x 2 rear mounting systems
Version de commercialisation DPMPilot Standard


DPMPilot Advanced
Code (EU): P200012
Code (US): P200022
Code (UK): P200032
•   DPM®Pilot Interface
•   DigiLink module for position control management
•   DigiLink external power supply
•   Support foot
•   4-port USB hub
•   Power cable
•   x 2 rear mounting systems
Version de commercialisation DPMPilot Avanced


DPMPilot Expert
Code (EU): P200013
Code (US): P200023
Code (UK): P200033
•   DPM®Pilot Interface
•   DigiLink module for position control management
•   DigiLink external power supply
•   Support foot
•   4-port USB hub
•   Power cable
•   x 2 rear mounting systems
Version de commercialisation DPMPilot Avanced



Associated products


1Commercial documentation


DPMPilot - Process supervision and traceability smart controller - DOC.60140

- An innovative solution with unique benefits
- Features
- Freed  choice of tightening tool brand
- Powerful and intuitive interface
- Available versions
- Versions content
- Optional equipment

Download the file in pdf

2Technical documentation


Process supervision and traceability smart controller DPMPilot - User Manual - DOC.60514

- Information
- Starting-up
- Configuration settings
- Sequence editing
- Production
- Rework
- Results
- Maintenance
- Security
- Standard
- Annexes
- List of revisions

Download the file in pdf

Frequently Asked Questions

Which availavle version of DPMPilot should you choose?

Available versions of DPMPilot

Your needs have changed? Consult the upgrade to higher versions of DPMPilot

If you’d like to upgrade to a higher version of your DPM®Pilot interface, you can order a software extension without changing tyour interface.

Code P200094: DPMPilot Standard software extension to DPMPilot Advanced (DigiLink Module needed).
Code P200095: DPMPilot Standard software extension to DPMPilot Expert (DigiLink Module needed).
Code P200096: DPMPilot Advanced software extension to DPMPilot Expert.